Hayhoe Homes Selection Studio is located at 78 North Street, East in Tillsonburg. The Studio provides a single, convenient space for our Purchasers to make decisions about the interior and exterior finishes of their new homes. The bright, spacious, neutral backdrop provides a blank slate for visions to become reality.
The Studio is operated By Appointment Only, Purchasers must contact their Design Consultant to arrange a meeting.
Shale Gauthier (right) has been with Hayhoe Homes for 7 years, as the Design & Marketing Supervisor she collaborates and oversees most of the creative elements from the home selections themselves, logos, maps/literature, signage and even the odd jobs. Shale manages the Selection Studio to ensure the offerings are current, represent a variety of styles, meet high quality standards and marketplace demand to create an amazing experience for Purchasers throughout their selections process.